Monday, August 26, 2013

Baliraj Garh (Bilara)

There are competing stories about the origin of the name Bilara. One is that it comes from the Persian word bilor which means "diamond", which is also used in Urdu and Punjabi languages for "something which is extremely glittery". The second story, is that it was named after a former ruler, the legendary Raja Bali, as "Place of Bali Raja", similarly to Balirajgarh which means "Fort (garh) of Bali Raja".

Bali, Mahabali also known as Bali or Māveli was a benevolent Dalit King, and the grandson of Prahlada in Indian scriptures. being sent down to the underworld Sutala by Vamana, the fifth avatar of Vishnu.

Bali, a Dalit-Bahujan king, an Asura,, was the son of Devamba and Virochana. He grew up under the tutelage of his grandfather, Prahlada, who instilled in him a strong sense of righteousness and devotion.
Bali would eventually succeed his grandfather as the king of the Asuras, and his reign over the realm was characterized by peace and prosperity. He would later expand his realm – bringing the entire world under his benevolent rule – and was even able to conquer the underworld and Heaven, which he wrested from Indra and the Devas. The Devas, after their defeat at the hands of Bali, approached their patron Vishnu and entreated him to restore their lordship over Heaven.
In Heaven, Bali, on the advice of his guru and advisor, Sukracharya, had begun the Ashwamedha Yaga so as to maintain his rule over the three worlds. Vishnu, meanwhile, had adopted the avatar of Vamana, a small Brahmin boy, and, during the rite, approached Bali and requested a grant of land – although only as much land as he could cover with three paces.

Despite the warnings of his advisor, Bali granted this boon. Vamana then grew to an immense size, and, with his first pace, traversed the all of the earth and the underworld. With his second pace, he covered Heaven in its entirety. Admitting defeat, and seeing that Vamana has no more room for his last step, Bali offered his own head as a stepping-stone. At this time the asuras spoke out in protest, but Bali explained that all living and non living things are God's creation, and so it was God's right to have them back. Lord Vishnu, seeing the devotion of Mahabali, blessed him and raised to him to Suthala, the supreme position in heaven

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